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Medical Boot

A boot that enhances the mobility in foot injury recovery faster than conventional support boots.

The Client

Jake Waterman came to Kickr Design to help him design a boot that aids in a more rapid recovery from foot and ankle injuries. Typically these injuries take longer to recover from due to the lack of flexure and use of the limb when an external support boot is worn. Jake wanted to create a boot prototype that gently moved the foot, toes, and ankle in a therapeutic way while the patient was convalescing.

The Challenge

The boot had to maintain the ergonomic comfort standards of conventional support boots, in addition to cleverly tucking away the mechanism necessary to induce therapeutic flexure in a low profile manner. Weight was also a critical consideration, as with any conventional support boot, needed to allow for ease of mobility for the patient.

The Solution

  • Several methods were studied to induce forward and back motion of the ankle, foot, and toes; these included pneumatic and cable/lever mechanics. In the end a small pump with a microcontroller that inflated the sole in modular sections worked the best.

The Results

Our efforts allowed for design, fabrication, and testing of multiple prototypes throughout the process. By carefully researching biometric requirements and testing, the Medical Boot was able to enhance motility sooner in recovering patients.

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